Announcing GRAFT

Hey Everyone!

We’re bringing the passion, heart, and skill we have brought to our earlier games, like the Shadowrun series and BATTLETECH, to our next game, GRAFT. You can catch our announcement trailer right here.

We would love it if you’d wishlist GRAFT right now on Steam or Epic! In today’s crowded market we need your help to build the game’s discoverability throughout development.

GRAFT continues Harebrained’s tradition of crafting dense and narratively rich worlds, full of compelling characters and impactful choices.

GRAFT is a post-cyberpunk survival horror RPG set on a vast, dying space station. Explore a world haunted by darkly fascinating characters and nightmarish monsters as you search for an escape.  You will survive by grafting, literally tearing pieces from your enemies to transform yourself into something new—something capable of taking on the horrors that prowl around you. 

But there’s a catch, every Graft carries with it some small piece of its previous owner… and now they are a part of you.

Who, or, what, will you be when you escape?

As always, thank you—we appreciate your help getting the word out and we can’t wait to show you more as we continue to develop this exciting new game.

GRAFT-fully Yours,



GRAFT, Vertical Slice, Awards, and More


05. 10 Weeks, 10 Devs, 1 GDC Demo