GRAFT, Vertical Slice, Awards, and More
Welcome to the new year. We thought we would give you an update about GRAFT and what we’ve been up to at Harebrained…
Announcing GRAFT
GRAFT continues Harebrained’s tradition of crafting dense and narratively rich worlds, full of compelling characters and impactful choices.
05. 10 Weeks, 10 Devs, 1 GDC Demo
Coming into March, we were heads down getting ready for GDC here in the Garage: honing our pitch, setting up meetings, painting new art, and most importantly, building a prototype.
04. The Garage
Many companies are struggling with the question of Return-To-Office vs Hybrid vs Remote. When you don’t have an office anymore that choice is easy — but how you work remotely is still an ongoing experiment for us here at HBS – an experiment that we’re really enjoying!